Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yucky day

I am feeling really crappy today. My left knee hurts on the inside when I walk, I can't find my wallet, my neck hurts and mostly, my heart is really irregular and I feel breathless and some pressure in my chest. I am also feeling very overwhelmed with Christmas and my house not being decorated, although I am almost finished shopping. Back to my heart thing. In the past, when it has gotten really skippy, I don't take Synthroid for a day or two and that seems to fix it. One of the symptoms of too much thyroid can be an irregular heart. Last week, it was terrible, so I didn't take any Synthroid on Tuesday and Wednesday. By Tuesday night, I could feel a difference. But, since I need thyroid, I started back on Thursday and have felt pretty good, except my knee, since then. But last night it was skipping again a little and today it's bad. I have an appt. with the Ortho guy for my knee tomorrow and got an appt. with the heart guy on Thursday. I probably won't take thyroid tonight, so hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. I hope we can get this figured out. But when I feel this way, I get morbid thoughts about dying from heart problems. With my wallet missing today, I am just about ready to go, rather that try to figure out where it could be and if I need to cancel credit cards, etc. It might be less complicated if I just died. At least for me, I guess. But I would miss KC and seeing my kids live their lives, so I guess I need to stay here longer. When I feel this way, I really, really wish I didn't have to work as much as I do. I sometimes think Dana thinks I am joking when I say that this stress is taking years off of my life, but I am not joking. I really feel like the stress is taking a toll on me.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I found my wallet. Some dear, honest person turned it in at Target. :)