Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The dregs of my family

Well, I have witnessed the dregs of some of my family members. And all over a stupid rivalry between two universities and their football teams. The thing that hurts me is that somehow, according to some family members, I have personally taken all of the fun out of the rivalry for them and I am a bad example to my own children. I think it is interesting how some people can side-step any responsibility and push blame onto others. And how they don't have sense enough to stop before they say hurtful things. I am also guilty of this, but I really try to consider my words before hitting the send button. In the past two weeks I have been told that I am immature, told that I am a poor example, preached to in the name of President Monson and been told that I am ruining relationships in my extended family. I guess I am really a bad person. I suppose I should be proud that I have so much power over the lives of others, but somehow, I think I am related to some immature and arrogant people. Sometimes I wish I didn't live in Utah. I was told at work today that I am such nice lady and how much this person likes to work with me. And on facebook, one of my own relatives tells me that I have attacked his brother personally, called him names on facebook walls and made fun of him behind his back, none of which is true. None of it. So, polar opposite evaluations from people on the same day. Wow, what a day. I think I will listen to Carmen and go to bed. :(


Dave Sohm said...

You don't need to worry about the views of children.

Sue said...

But I heard from Jeanie tonight that you told Shar to "grow up" and it hurt her feelings. My recommendation would be to apologize and to re-read anything you write before hitting the send button.

Kris and KC said...
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Kris and KC said...

Dave was not aware that he ever told Shar to Grow up. I find it hard to believe myself since he holds shar and bill at probably the highest level of respect of all the extended family. Jeanie must have been mis-informed. (insert wise chinese proverb here) Turn the other cheek. It's better to suffer a little than to build contention.

Kris and KC said...

Luke 6:29 and JST