Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's amazing how quickly your life can change. A couple of weeks ago, I went to work. I was happy, contented with my work schedule, my jobs, feeling pretty good about things. Then I found out about the "Mandatory Meeting". It's too long to go into, but basically, our boss told us that we are despised by much of the hospital and that the solution is to "mix it up". That means, in her opinion, that dayshift people have to work some night shifts and nightshift people have to work some dayshifts. Somehow, the thread of logic got tangled up. After another meeting, basically called by the staff, the dayshift people will temporarily each work one night shift a month. That doesn't sound like a big deal to people who have never worked nights, but after years of working nights, it's a big deal. But management made the concession that it won't be permanent, only temporary, although they couldn't tell us how long that will be. Mostly, the way it was handled was not conducive to good will and trust. Oh well. What can you do?
Then 2 days ago, I was the shift coordinator and I got into a shouting match with one of the CNA's. I called Human Resources to come up and help me with this person. I was asking her to go home if she didn't want to do the work I needed her to do. The lady from HR, at one point, was concerned for my safety and stepped in between us. I mostly was so shocked at this person's behavior that I was just standing there, amazed that an adult would act like that at work. Today, we had a sit-down meeting with my supervisor, me, the CNA and HR. I think it went well and was civil. I was concerned that she would be fired and I felt bad about that, but they decided to give her one more chance. I really hope she can turn it around. She basically is a nice person, a hard worker and is really nice to the patients. But she is also volatile, emotional, tempermental and sometimes out of control. Too much drama for my tastes.
I also got my spider veins injected in my rt. leg. I have to wear a TED hose for 48 hours, and then I can take it off and look at them. The dr. said that it would take awhile for them to go away, but I am excited that they will go away soon. I will need at least 2 more sessions of injections. He uses a 30 gauge needle and it only hurt in a few spots. Most of the time, I could hardly feel the needle at all.
I put my scooter on to try to sell it. I have Cloud on there, too but have only had 2 calls. The first guy asked a lot of good questions, but then didn't show up to see her. The next guy was looking for a horse for his 13 yr. old daughter. She is a beginning rider and I don't think it would be a good match. So, here we are.
It has been raining daily for about a week. I need to plant my tomatoes, but it's too wet to get excited about doing that. Maybe tomorrow. TTFN


Kris and KC said...

wow, there's plenty of doom and gloom for everybody. I think the general economic down-turn is making people go crazy. It's too stressful to try to make it to Oregon. We literally have no money. So, we decided to focus on the present and only do what we can afford to do.

Mishi said...

Night shifts...I have worked nights since January. However, I recently moved up to full time. Hard! I really like my job but am realizing full time nights isn't my style. It's so hard to build a good immune system without quality sleep!For four months I was doing 2 nights a week-that worked out great. Next month I am cutting back again which will be oh so nice.