Saturday, January 17, 2009

I finally rode my new bike a couple of evenings ago. It was a dark and freezing night...Mike was making adjustments to the gears and chain and stuff and then he suggested I ride it. It was so cold that I only rode past a couple of houses. I quickly realized that it is possible to forget some aspects of riding a bike. My balance is poor and jerky and I have trouble making u turns, like with my scooter. Maybe I will be able to pass the scooter test if I get better at bike riding. But the good news is that the bike seat is comfortable. Yay!!! Mike also showed me how to set up the trainer, so I am going to ride tonight. I felt okay after walking on the treadmill Thursday and doing some weightroom stuff.
Tonight they are replaying the Sugar Bowl on TV. I am planning on riding my bike for part of the game and then eating popcorn. That sounds good, don't you think?
These days I am feeling very overwhelmed by the amount of work I am doing. I am too tired to do anything else and that is a "sucky" life. I can't remember the last time I rode Cloud. I can't keep up with the housework, let alone do any extra projects that I want and need to do around the house. I am hoping that by getting into better shape, I will not be as profoundly fatigued after work and on my days off. I don't think it is a thyroid thing, because it's not that kind of fatigue. It's the swollen, achy leg fatigue that wipes me out and makes it so uncomfortable to walk. So, I am hopeful that it will get better. Otherwise, I am taking to my bed, like the Victorian ladies used to do. TTFN

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