Tuesday, August 12, 2008

stuff and nonsense

I am at work, so this may be really a short post. Tori and I have both finished "Breaking Dawn", or as I called it, "That d*%#n vampire book" after staying up until 1:15 a.m., reading it, when I had to get up at 6:00 a.m. It was good, but I think she left it open for another one, if she wants to take that on. Now, Dana is reading it.
I don't have time right now to talk about my opinion of "Mamma Mia", but mostly I really liked it. I will post my thoughts on that tomorrow, when I have a day off from work.
Poor Cloud. I don't think she has been out of the corral for at least 3 wks, maybe longer. That isn't right, but it has been so hot during the day and I have been busy with work. Tomorrow, I am going to ride her, so I hope she behaves herself.
Tori and I are having a big garage sale this weekend. I hope we make tons of money and sell everything. Mostly I hope we sell everything. Once I have decided I don't want something, then I really want it gone. I just don't have the vehicle to take the big stuff to D.I. if it doesn't sell. I guess I can call them for a pick-up.
It was cooler the past couple of nights and yesterday, I thought I could detect a tiny hint of fall in the air. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if we had a really long autumn, but it will heat up again I'm sure.
Gotta go for now.


Dave Sohm said...

just don't sell that old rifle, pleases. We can stow it if you don't want it any more

Dave Sohm said...

we saw a sign that fits the description of your commercial event. "Mid-life crisis yard sale"