Thursday, October 23, 2008

More health news

I saw Dr. Davis yesterday and he says I am fine! He doesn't think I need a body scan, but says that if Dr. Miner wants it and I want it, it's reasonable to do. So, once again, I am a cancer survivor. I don't identify myself as such, because I didn't have to go through any treatment, but I count my blessings when I think about it. Maybe the cancer came from growing up about 2 miles from a nuclear plant. would be interesting to see if others who grew up in that neighborhood have had cancer problems. A friend asked me if I am scared about it. I'm not. I told Dr. Davis that either I am rolling around in denial, or it's not something to be frightened about. He said I should not be scared or worried, because they are finding that about 7% of people who have autopsies have microscopic papillary carcinoma of the the thyroid, but that's not what they died from. That's reassuring. I figure my heart will get me in the end, but not for a long time, I hope.
Speaking of heart problems, here I am, eating an omelet with ham and cheese and drinking a coke for breakfast. What ever happenen to the vegan diet? I have gotten really lax about that, but I heard Charlie Gibson's news report the other day that Americans account for 30% of the heart problems in the WORLD! The people who eat mainly a fresh fruit, fresh vegetable diet are the least likely to have heart problems. Even the tofu eaters don't do as well as the vegans. Tori and I need to have a "come to Jesus" meeting about our diets. She is much better than I am. But after I finish my omelet. LOL

1 comment:

Matt and Ashley said...

Hey, that is my favorite breakfast too! Ok well minus the Coke. I usually put down an orange juice with breakfast, and I am a root beer man at all other times in the day.