Monday, June 16, 2008


I hate insomnia!  All of my problems look gigantic at 12:43 a.m.  Right now I am freaking out about the Wasatch Back Team.  We still only have 8 registered runners and the race starts in 4 days and about 8 hours.  Everyone says they want to be on the team, but they don't follow through. What's up with that, people????  Is this a problem unique to our team????  I am sure K wants to totally wash her hands on this, but since somehow she got roped into  co-managing this team, she is stuck.  I wish D would be more proactive and help her.  Well, at least I am not worrying about the mess in my attic.  That's usually what I focus on when I am having insomnia.  I need to find the off switch for my brain.  Usually if I go somewhere else to sleep, like the couch, I can relax and go to sleep, but we have out of town company this weekend and all the alternate sleeping places are taken.  Maybe if I read "John Adams"......

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