Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One week later

My neck is healing well. The scar is going to be small, I can tell. The bruising is almost gone, but there is still some swelling. Last week, when I came back to work, I worked almost too much and was pretty tired by the end of the week. Also, I had a little scare on Wednesday. I had worked at IMC on Tuesday and we had a busy day. Then, Wednesday morning, while I was getting ready for work, my neck started hurting, just twinges. But it hadn't done that before, so I was concerned. When I got to work, my "other mothers" all thought it looked swollen and told me to go to the dr. They worked me in at the office but he felt that it wasn't getting infected or more swollen. I didn't think it was more swollen, but was concerned about the pain and was relieved that he didn't think it was getting inflammed or infected. Since then, I have been putting a warm pack on it at night to speed up the absorption of the bruising and it is doing well.
Last Sunday was KC's blessing. It was a beautiful day and we had a picnic outside after the blessing. David did a good job with the blessing. I think it is hard to give a blessing to a baby, because you have so much you want for them in their life, so it's hard to limit what to include in the blessing. Kristin's family came up from So. Utah, or rather Central Utah. That was so nice of them to do that. Both of her grandparents were there, along with her mom, dad, Alyse and an aunt and uncle. And of course her sisters. Jeanie came also, which was so nice. It's wonderful when family gets together at these special times in your life. I just wish Mike had come. I don't think he understands how important it is to be involved in family things.
I get to baby sit KC tonight after work. Yahooo! I really like hanging out with him. He is so cute and is starting to smile at things. Dave and Kris have a cycling class tonight and again on Thursday, so I will be the baby sitter again then. I won't be able to baby sit each Tues and Thurs, but I like to help when I can.
Tomorrow night is the opera! Tori and I are going to see "Madama Butterfly" I love that opera and wish I could have been in it. But maybe next time. Besides, I wouldn't have had the operation on my thyroid if I had been in the opera, so this was best.
I am not sure about the thyroid cancer. I see the surgeon tomorrow and will discuss some options with him. I also see Dr. Miner in Nov. but I want to be scheduled for the body scan by then. It's a little worrisome, but not much.
The weather is changing. I like it when it is windy and cloudy. It reminds me of growing up in Eureka and also it is how I imagine England and Scotland to be, like in Wuthering Heights. I would like to visit there someday. Hope I can. TTFN

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