Tuesday, February 12, 2008

prepping for the race

Last week, I said that I would cross train on the days between running, but then I didn't do it.  This week, so far, I ran on Monday and lifted weights this evening.  I usually start at pretty low weights when I haven't lifted for awhile, but tonight, I kept thinking about how hard it was to do the race last year, so I lifted heavier weights in order to get in shape faster and also to practice doing the really hard task and not shrinking back from it.  
One of the many things that I learned about myself last summer is that I am a determined person.  Once I say I will do something, I don't often back out.  My dad used to tell me that I was the most stubborn person he knew.  The way he said it, I knew it was bad to be stubborn.  But I remember one time that my mom told me that it can be good to be stubborn, if you are being stubborn about something good.  Like, stubbornly refusing to smoke or drink.  That changed a lot for me.  
Last year at the race, I stubbornly vowed to myself that I would finish it, no matter what.  That was the only thing that carried me over the finish line.  This year, my goal is to finish, but to be in better shape along the way.  The team last year was so nice about how much I walked and I really appreciated their kindness.  Last year, when I was prepping for the race all winter and spring, my goal was to finish and my fear of looking ridiculous drove me to get out and run.  This year, it's my fear of my back hurting like it did last year, along with increasing my personal best, that is driving me to get ready for this race.
I don't know why it is so hard to go running, but it is.  Inertia is a powerful force.  I guess it is a universal truth that it's human nature to do the easiest thing, which for me is sitting and watching TV.  So when I set a goal to follow the training schedule and then I actually do it, I feel stronger mentally as well as physically.  That success builds upon itself, so it becomes easier to go the next time.  It also helps me when Tori encourages me and goes with me.  I really appreciate her help that way.  I am sure there are life lessons to be learned by going through this process.  
Well, enough for tonight.  It's time to go to bed.  Thanks for posting comments, those of you who have.  Matt, you creeped me out a little, thinking that people are watching me.  LOL  :)


Sue said...

Good, Good, Good.

Anonymous said...

Hi Just got your blog about training.mom